Friday 12 February 2016

Lesson Planning

Many Teachers in World Rely on Textbooks For Teaching,They Come Into The Classroom,Ask Students to Open The Textbook To a Certain Page,And have Students to answer question Which require them to reproduce Material from the Text.Most Of the Teachers teach All Subjects (Exception Mathematics) And Use the Same Style For Every Subject.By Spending a Little Time To Plan the Lessons,The teachers can Deliver Lessons in Meaningful and interesting way.

Development of Lesson Plans

The Lesson Plans Can Be Developed Concentrating on The Following Important Points.
  1. Where are Your Students Going? (Aims, Objectives, SLOs)
  2. How the Students are going to get these aims? (Lesson Introduction and Development)
  3. How Will You Know When the Students Have Got Aims?(Assessment/Evaluation)

Important Components of  a Lesson Plan

The Topics of Different subjects have been given in the national curricula,in each topic the students learning outcomes have been identified.the lesson plans have been developed on the base of these students learning outcomes.each lesson plan covers 1 to 3 learning outcomes.students learning outcomes help you to clarify the knowledge,skills and attitudes/values to be developed in students,Each Lesson plan mentions the time/number of periods required to tech the lesson effectively,A teacher may him.herself divide the time for different types of activities given in the lesson plan,the same time distribution has not been emphasized.introductory activities are designed to introduce the lesson or establish connection with the previous lesson,activities build readiness,identify what students already know about the topic,students,attention may be gained by showing pictures,stating a problem or a dilemma,or reading a poem/story.A test/Quiz May be used to find out what students already know.Most Of the time allotted for in a lesson plan,is for these activities,developmental activities grow out of the introductory activities,these activities are designed to attain the students learning outcomes.during these activities new concepts,skills and values are introduced and these are built on past learning.These activities have sequence:data gathering activities,data organizing activities,and creative expressive activities.Such Activities are used to enable students to consolidate and summarize their knowledge.they facilities the application of knowledge skills to new situation.they generally related to the main idea of the lesson.Assessment is important in all phase of the lesson i.e from introduction to conclusion a variety of techniques can be used to assess the achievement of the chosen learning outcomes.some  of these are prepared as part of the learning activities,for example the drawing a labeling of a map,the questions for evaluating a discussion,the final written report.Section include enrichment activities,projects questions or homework to be assigned to the students.the said activities enable the students to apply knowledge and skills in daily life.

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